Estonian Air Navigation Services is now officially a member of the Cluster
EANS (business name Lennuliiklusteeninduse Aktsiaselts) is a modern and dynamically developing Public Limited Company operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of the Republic of Estonia, which is also the sole owner of the EANS shares. EANS has been among the main initiators, who gathered at the end of 2018 with the aim to join forces and establish Estonian Aviation Cluster.
EANS provides safe & high quality air navigation services in Tallinn Flight Information Region, covering the airspace over Estonian territory and some segments over the high seas that are delegated to Estonia by ICAO. In plain language, air traffic control means organising air traffic into a safe, expeditious and smooth flow. The overwhelming part of the traffic handled by EANS are overflights connecting West and East. They cooperate with almost 1000 different customers.
„Being a member of the Cluster will help us to jointly contribute to the development of Estonian aviation strategy and a policy. We are also considering the growth of aviation personnel among the major cornerstones of future success. Participation in cluster activities will help to raise the profile of EANS as a company and provide input on the focus areas of the cluster, which will shape the future of aviation in Estonia,“ explained Ivar Värk, CEO of EANS.
“I clearly remember that exciting day, when professionals of GOF U-SPACE project tested package delivery drone flight over the Gulf of Finland. When we shared a news through social media then it went viral overnight. This really shows, that we have chosen a right path, which will have so much impact in coming years. We are extremely proud that EANS has been a coordinator of that project, which was financed by SESAR. We need to make the airspace safer together. From Cluster’s viewpoint, I hope that EANS will help to keep Estonia at the forefront of not only drone integration, but also helping to validate safe as well as cost effective U-space services. Contribution to national strategy and aviation policy comes without saying,” told Kristo Reinsalu, Cluster manager.