The Hydrogen Action Perspective has safely landed!
In the past month team of Dutch experts from &Flux and Marek Alliksoo have developed a Hydrogen Action Perspective for Estonian aviation sector, including an analysis of the hydrogen value chain, potential use cases (0-5; 10-15 years to invest and investigate), and set of recommendations to further develop the hydrogen ecosystem. Hydrogen asks for new types of value chain cooperation, a change in mindset and a systems perspective. Public and private parties should work together on projects to learn from each other and create synergies. The study has identified the need to build this project funnel, to learn and stay competitive. To stimulate economic growth and investment a stable, predictable legal environment and policy framework is needed. However, doing it all right opens up a massive array of new possibilities.
In the beginning of 2021, &Flux developed a hydrogen strategy for the Port of Tallinn. Being impressed by the work done for maritime, Aviation Cluster saw an even greater benefit for aviation. This was further bolstered by the atrocities committed by Russia in Ukraine and the immediate steps taken by the European Union to shift towards fossil-fuel independence. “The Cluster and its partners are well aware of the green transition and want to be among the firsts industrial sectors in Estonia delivering their roadmap for becoming climate neutral by 2030,” acknowledged Kristo Reinsalu, General Manager of Estonian Aviation Cluster.
“No single industry or initiative on their own is able to meet these challenges, it was our job to figure out the synergies, the opportunities and the timeline implications – cooperation is the key here and awareness is the only real barrier to overcome towards becoming the first nation with climate neutral aviation by 2030, the potential and willingness is all there and &Flux helped in mapping it out,” added Marek Alliksoo CEO of SKYCORP and board of the Estonian Hydrogen Association.
“By expanding use cases based on the production potential primarily in the Pärnu area and preparing for hydrogen powered aircrafts across Estonia, Estonian Aviation may become one of the driving forces behind the Estonian Hydrogen Valley,” opened up a new perspective Petrus Postma, co-founder of &Flux.
Key learnings suggest, if airports in Estonia invest in hydrogen infrastructure it will create synergies across the Estonian energy, mobility and industry systems. This works towards solving the chicken and egg problem of the hydrogen economy whereby supply and infrastructure is needed to drive demand and vice-versa. The best way to achieve it is by creating and developing multiple hydrogen hubs at ports and airports.